Template-type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Serena Morricone Author-Workplace-Name: HEC Lausanne Author-Email: Serena.Morricone@unil.ch Author-Name: Federico Munari Author-Workplace-Name: University of Bologna Author-Email: federico.munari@unibo.it Author-Name: Raffaele Oriani Author-Workplace-Name: LUISS Guido Carli Author-Email: roriani@luiss.it Author-Name: Gaetan de Rassenfosse Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Email: gaetan.derassenfosse@epfl.ch Author-Homepage: http://www.gder.info Title: Commercialization Strategy and IPO Underpricing Abstract: This paper studies the interplay between two defining features of technology-based firms: licensing as a commercialization strategy and the reliance on equity financing. Within the context of an IPO, we argue that the technology commercialization strategy of a firm going public affects information asymmetries and, therefore, IPO underpricing. In particular, we theorize that underpricing will be higher when a firm’s technology commercialization strategy is more based on licenses. We also posit that the size of the patent portfolio will mitigate this effect. Our results from a sample of 130 IPOs in the U.S. Semiconductor industry confirm these predictions. Classification-JEL: G32, L24, L63, M13, O32, O34 Keywords: Initial public offering (IPO), Underpricing, License, Patent, Semiconductor Length: 30 pages Creation-Date: 2017-05 File-URL: https://cdm-repec.epfl.ch/iip-wpaper/commercialization_strategy_and_IPO_underpricing.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:iip:wpaper:4