Template-type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Dominique Foray Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Gaetan de Rassenfosse Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: George Abi Younes Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Charles Ayoubi Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Omar Ballester Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Gabriele Cristelli Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Matthias van den Heuvel Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Ling Zhou Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Gabriele Pellegrino Author-Workplace-Name: Ecole polytechnique federale de Lausanne Author-Name: Patrick Gaulé Author-Workplace-Name: University of Bath Author-Name: Elizabeth Webster Author-Workplace-Name: Swinburne University of Technology Title: COVID-19: Insights from Innovation Economists Abstract: The present document provides the take of innovation economists on the current pandemic. It is addressed to the general public and focuses on questions related to the Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) ecosystem. It does not present new research findings. Instead, it provides a reading of current real-world developments using economic reasoning and relying on existing economic research. Classification-JEL: O3O, I18 Keywords: COVID-19, economics, innovation, policy Length: 33 pages Creation-Date: 2020-04 File-URL: https://cdm-repec.epfl.ch/iip-wpaper/WP10.pdf File-Format: application/pdf Handle: RePEc:iip:wpaper:10